Letters to a Leaving Mormon by Ashmae Hoiland
Letters to a Leaving Mormon Podcast
On Mormonism's Entanglement with the Family

On Mormonism's Entanglement with the Family

A conversation about our experience

Thanks for being here and listening to this conversation about the ways in which Mormonism painted our experiences inside of families. As always, we seek to have these conversations with respect, honesty, and vulnerability. Of course all experiences vary, and in the coming months we will have interviews with a variety of people about their own experiences.

Our hope is that these conversations can provide some reflection and conversation. If nothing else, it can be healing to know that your experience wasn’t singular. We hope some of this resonates and helps you to feel known.

Letters to a Leaving Mormon by Ashmae Hoiland
Letters to a Leaving Mormon Podcast
Building a life beyond Mormonism is hard to do alone. This podcast is meant to serve as a means to see and understand how other people are navigating this new wilderness. Each episode will feature someone who has experienced leaving Mormonism behind. Together we will talk through the topics of the book chapters. Like the book, this isn't a how-to guide, just some humans trying traversing new lands together.